sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010

UFO Crash Reported Live from California

August 27, 2010 - UFO reports have been taking a dramatic turn lately with more witnesses describing events related to a sort of conflict between military forces and large black triangular craft. Such craft were seen in Canada earlier this week allegedly being fired upon by helicopters and another was spotted near Fresno California crashed into the side of a mountain with military vehicles quickly surrounding it. What uncertainty does this bear for the future?

When MUFON's Jeffrey Gonzalez received a phone call on MUFON's 24 hour hotline, what he heard sounded at first like one of the most historically significant UFO sightings since the Roswell incident, but carried with it a far more sinister undertone given other recent sightings of human conflict with these mysterious craft.

With witnesses screaming in the background, "It's trying to take off, it's trying to lift!" Mr. Gonzalez learned that witnesses had seen a black triangular craft crashed into the side of a mountain at the location just north of Fresno. Wasting no time, Gonzalez sprang into action and arrived at the scene where the witnesses had called from. What he observed were three white lights coming from the hillside and several vehicles descending on the object through the rough terrain. From his position on the mountain he then witnessed a light similar to an arc welder used to cut through metal and in automobile production. Gonzalez speculates that the craft may have been undergoing repairs or being torn through by the welders in order to transport it in more easy to manage pieces. By the light of day the investigator left behind reported seeing a peculiar stingray shaped vessel in front of an abandoned shack on the mountain accompanied by two massive burn marks on the hill.

If there is a conflict ongoing between military forces and these mysterious triangular aircraft several questions need to be addressed. First, what is the nature of the conflict? Is it a serious assault or could they possibly be part of some sort of clandestine training program or war game scenario? Second, if the craft are not part of the US military and the conflict is as genuine as many witnesses are suggesting, what purpose do the triangular craft serve and who are their occupants? Of course this is even assuming they have occupants. And of course the most general and possibly most important question that is ever present remains, what are the craft doing?

The scene described has two possible scenarios that could lead up to it, and either one without additional disputing evidence seems at least possible at this point. Either one, the craft was a test vehicle that underwent some sort of malfunction and was grounded for some reason, or two it was actually engaged in some sort of mission. And if the second scenario is true, what happened to the occupants of the craft? And will there be more looking for them soon? Perhaps the most disturbing bit of evidence suggesting the second scenario might be true comes in the form of the witness testimony overheard by Gonzalez, "It's trying to take off, it's trying to lift!" Unless it was in possibly hostile territory, why would it risk exposure and further malfunctions by trying to take off so quickly after having crashed rather than wait for assistance from the ground?

sexta-feira, 30 de abril de 2010

Nave de Toprakale, Turquía

Nave de Toprakale, Turquía

Nave de Toprakale, Turquía – Se estima su antiguedad en unos 3000 años. Faltan la cabeza del piloto y la parte superior de la tobera de escape. La verdad es que deja poco margen de discusión.

Pistas para Discos Voadores no Peru

Pistas para Discos Voadores no Peru

Pues las pistas EXISTEN, están a 3000 Km. al sur de Perú.

antiguos dioses

Antiguos Dioses

Varias estatuas precolombinas que nos muestran a antiguos dioses en posiciones curiosamente forzadas, que nos recuerdan a los astronautas del Programa Apolo dentro de la cápsula.

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Mãe do Ouro na chapada dos veadeiros

A foto foi tirada no Mirante do Cânion da Cachoeira da Fumaça; local que tem uma corrente de vento ascendente que faz com que gotas de água da cachoeira retornem da queda até fiquem suspensas.

É comum ver pequenas folhas, flores e sementes aladas subindo nessa corrente de ar. Logo acredito que seja um material desse tipo.

Devido à simetria bilateral da imagem, essa aparenta ser um pássaro ou borboleta que estariam de cabeça para baixo; borboletas e mariposas não fazem vôo de cabeça para baixo, mas pode ser a carcaça de um desses insetos, ou seja, o inseto morto a mercê do vento.

Pássaros em algumas situações fazem vôo para baixo, mas não me parece um pássaro.

Não é asa delta, pois o local é o Centro do Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina e o vôo de asa delta, no local, é extremamente perigoso e proibido, além do acesso ser praticamente impossível.

As brigadas de incêndio do parque, nunca acharam nos focos de incêndio, armações de arame que sustentam a bucha incendiaria, e não faz parte da cultura regional confeccionar e soltar balões; sendo a probabilidade de ser um balão, a meu ver, quase nula.

Me parece realmente à parte seca de um vegetal, folha, flor, casca ou semente. Ou uma carcaça de borboleta ao vento.

Uma curiosidade: A região compreende o Morro dos Macacos, e há no local um abrigo que dá para dormir de sleep, é chamada de Toca da Fenda.

Algumas noites no local são possíveis de se ver um fenômeno relativamente comum na região, denominada pela população tradicional de
Mãe do Ouro. Esse fenômeno compreende manobras feitas por uma ou três bolas de fogo num curto espaço de tempo durante a noite.